Monday, July 21, 2014

IPRC Relationships Committee helps students understand Indiana Lifeline Law

As the fall semester approaches members of the Indiana Prevention Resource Center are helping to educate students and ensure their safety, and the safety of others, during their transition into college life.  One topic of focus this upcoming semester will be the recently modified Indiana Lifeline Law, designed to protect both students in need of medical assistance and those seeking the assistance on their behalf in an emergency. 

Understanding the Modifications
On July 1st, modifications to the Indiana Lifeline Law broadened the original law’s intent to increase the effectiveness of the policy and those it’s designed to assist in an emergency.  The Lifeline Law, which first took effect in 2012, provided protection from arrest for some alcohol related offenses (intoxication, minor possession, minor consumption, and minor transportation of alcohol) for those under 21 who sought emergency assistance for someone with them who had been drinking and required medical attention. While the original law’s parameters only granted immunity for the individual requesting assistance when assisting “an individual who reasonably appeared to be in need of medical assistance due to alcohol consumption” the new law extended protection to other health related emergencies including falls, concussions, and sexual assault.  In order to receive immunity when reporting an emergency the individual must demonstrate they are acting in good faith by providing their full name and any other relevant information to law enforcement officers, remain on the scene until emergency medical assistance arrives, and cooperate with authorities on the scene.

About the IRPC
The Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC) was established in 1987 to assist Indiana based alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) prevention practitioners to improve the quality of their services. In recent years our purview has expanded to include problem gambling prevention and ATOD treatment. The IPRC, located in Bloomington, is part of the Department of Applied Health Science at Indiana University. Our primary target audience is the community of prevention professionals and volunteers, and government officials who are providing or monitoring delivery of ATOD and problem gambling prevention and treatment services to Indiana residents. We enable prevention and treatment professionals to deliver evidence based programs, policies and practices to the general public.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bradford Woods Adds Fully Accessible Zip Line

On Monday, June 23, 2014 representatives from the Finish Line Youth Foundation and CHAMP Camp participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony unveiling a new, fully accessible zip line at Bradford Woods in Martinsville, Indiana.  The 370-foot zip line, funded by a grant from the Finish Line Youth Foundation, was designed to allow campers of all ability levels participating in the therapeutic summer camps at Bradford Woods to enjoy the unique experience. CHAMP Camp, which provides an overnight week-long summer camp experience for kids who have tracheostomies and those who require respiratory assistance, including the use of ventilators, was excited to unveil the new amenity which will serve an estimated 800 campers throughout the summer.

"At CHAMP Camp we are a can-do camp, and we listen to our kids throughout the years, and hear what they want to be able to do. And you know, this is just something that five to ten years ago we never thought we'd be able to do, either. But we just listen to the kids, hearing their desires and their heart in terms of what they want to be able to experience what other people are able to experience as well. We said, you know what this is something we can do. And we put our brains together and figured out a way to get this done for them," said Jennifer Kobylarz, executive director, CHAMP Camp.

See the new zip line in action >>