Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ewert Appointed Permanent Chair of the Department of Environmental Health

Dr. Alan Ewert
In May of 2013, Dr. Alan Ewert took over as interim chairperson for the department of environmental health, and since then has played an instrumental role within the department as the School continues the accreditation process.  In October of 2014, the faculty of the department unanimously recommended that Ewert be appointed the department’s permanent chairperson.

“Dr. Ewert has done an outstanding job in leading this department during the past several months, and he will continue to do so in a joint appointment with the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies,” said School of Public Health-Bloomington Dean Mohammad Torabi. “He has been very helpful as the School continues through the accreditation process; his expertise in the natural environment and human health has made him a good fit at this point in time to lead our Department of Environmental Health, and maintain his commitments in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies.”

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Dr. Aurelian Bidulescu elected Fellow of the American Heart Association

Dr. Aurelian Bidulescu
American Heart Association Fellowship conferred by the Council on Epidemiology and Prevention is reserved for Premium Professional members who are scientists, physicians, clinical professionals and academicians with a major and productive interest in CV disease epidemiology and/or CV disease prevention, and whose accomplishments support the stated objectives of the AHA/ASA and the Council on Epidemiology and Prevention. Fellowship provides a means to recognize and award Premium Professional members for excellence, innovative and sustained contributions in the areas of scholarship; practice; and/or education; and volunteer service and/or leadership within in the AHA/ASA.

This year Dr. Aurelian Bidulescu, associate professor in the department of epidemiology and biostatistics, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Heart Association for his outstanding dedication and achievement. Dr. Bidulescu will be honored at a reception during November where he will receive an official letter of election and FAHA certificate to commemorate his achievement.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Student Spotlight: Michaela Cisney

Michaela Cisney
Meet Michaela

Michaela Cisney earned a bachelor's of science in community health, with minors in contemporary dance and nutrition science from IUB in 2012 before deciding to return and participate in the master of public health program with a concentration in behavioral, social, and community health. Michaela chose the School of Public Health-Bloomington after working with families at a local service organization, “The connections between poverty and health and the web of factors that influence individual's choices and health outcomes confirmed my desire to earn an MPH,” she noted.

Making an International Impact

As part of her education, Michaela volunteered at a residential care facility in India for children with disabilities, and was struck by the challenges the children and families faced in low-income countries. “Children with disabilities in low-income countries, the families of those children, and the efforts of their communities to provide care and rehabilitation are some of the most neglected areas in global health research and practice,” she said. In response to her experience, Michaela spent three years further researching the need, and in 2014, after a return trip to India, established the Priyam Global Initiative with her husband.

The organization’s mission is to maximize the quality of life of children with unique abilities worldwide; replace global misunderstanding of disabilities with appreciation and equality; and end preventable child disability. Working with partner organizations around the globe, Priyam has adopted three main strategies: capacity building, advocacy, and special initiatives.

“We support the existing efforts of our partner organizations and work closely with local stakeholders to provide resources such as trained volunteers, targeted funding, and monitoring and evaluation, always with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life for children. Within advocacy, our aim is to create new ways of thinking about children and abilities and to emphasize the importance of children with disabilities and their families in global health and development agendas. We also hope to collaborate with our partner organizations to design and implement long-term initiatives such as early intervention or childhood disability prevention initiatives. Up to 80% of the disabilities in the communities where we work can be prevented with proper maternal care during pregnancy and the postpartum period.”

How to Get Involved

Volunteer: Priyam works to recruit, train, and place volunteers in flexible volunteer positions any time during the year. Students who are interested in volunteering in India can learn more here.

Donate: Interested parties can also donate here or contact Michaela for more information at 100% of donations support initiatives with our global partner in India.

Monday, September 15, 2014

IU is coming to Turkey!

Merhaba! Indiana University is coming to Turkey, and we want to see you!

You are cordially invited to join IU President Michael A. McRobbie;
IU First Lady Laurie Burns McRobbie; Vice President for International Affairs David Zaret;
and a delegation of IU leaders, alumni, and friends as you reconnect with IU and your fellow alumni. This will be an opportunity to hear about Indiana University’s bold strategic
vision, recent successes, and new initiatives.

We're making 2 stops!

Thursday, Sept. 25
Alumni Reception
JW Marriott, Prusa room, 6–8 p.m.
Presidential remarks at 7 p.m.
JW Marriott Ankara Hotel
Kızılırmak Mah. Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cad. No: 1
Söğütözü 06520, Ankara

Saturday, Sept. 27
Alumni Reception
SALT, 4th floor, 6–8 p.m.
Presidential remarks at 7 p.m.
Bankalar Caddesi 11
Karaköy 34420, Istanbul

Event is complimentary. Dress is business casual.
Please RSVP by Sept. 19 to Jacquelyn Beane at

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Visiting Faculty Profile: Meral Kucuk Yetgin

Meral Kucuk Yetgin
Meet Meral

With 15 years of experience in both nursing and physical education, Meral Kucuk Yetgin chose to continue her education earning both her Masters and PhD in Sports and Health through the Institute of Health Science, School of Physical Education and Sports, at Marmara University in Turkey in 2010. Bringing new and past experiences together, she began to focus on obesity and physical education, and began the development of a thesis entitled “Effects of resistance training on the basal metabolism rate and serum leptin levels in overweight and obese adolescents” to reflect this focus.  Currently, she is working as a faculty member at Marmara University’s School of Physical Education and Sports in Turkey where she has been since 2006.

With the sponsorship of TÜBİTAK  (The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey), Meral opted to continue her research career and became a visiting scholar in the Department of Applied Health Science in the School of Public Health-Bloomington in December of 2013.

“My colleagues, who also worked as visiting scholars in past years, specifically recommended the Indiana University School of Public Health. Their positive experiences here were really appealing and they encouraged me to come,” she said.

Research Interests

Meral’s research interests specifically involve examining obesity and physical activity habits. She if focused on exploring the “…effects of obesity, obesity related diseases like diabetes and physical activity on public health, and exercising habits.”

Research at the School of Public Health-Bloomington
Meral’s research in the US is specifically focused on the effects of cross-cultural differences between the two countries (the US and Turkey) on obesity growth rates. She is currently participating in three projects, the first of which is entitled “Comparison of the Physical Activity Habits between American and Turkish College Students”, and is conducted under the advisement of Dr. Shahla Ray from the Department of Applied Health Science and Dr. Georgia Frey from the Department of Kinesiology.  Her second project, working in conjunction with Dr. Shahla Ray and Dr. David Lohrmann of the Department of Applied Health Science, focuses on the cross-cultural analysis of physical activity and nutritional habits of children from the US and Turkey through a collaboration with a local student health and wellness project called “Energize”. Her final project, working in conjunction with Dr. Shahla Ray and Dr. David Koceja of the Department of Kinesiology, is named “ Effects of Rapid Body Weight Loss and Balance in Obese Individuals Before and After Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding Operation”.

Moving to Bloomington

Meral has enjoyed living in Bloomington with her family, where she feels the university has successfully united with the city.  She appreciates the welcoming, friendly nature of those she’s met and all of the great cultural, artistic, recreational, educational, and fun experiences the city has to offer families with children. In addition to her research, Meral enjoys the opportunity to develop her English langauge skills and to make friends from different cultures through classes and conversation clubs common in the city. “Bloomington not only offers academic opportunities, but also helps you develop your social network to become a more global person. I consider myself really lucky to have this opportunity”.

Monday, August 18, 2014

SPH faculty attends Groundbreaking Fenway Institute Meeting on Bisexual Health Research

Brian Dodge
During a meeting hosted on June 26th by the Fenway Institute, leading bisexual health researchers and community activists from across the country agreed to form the Bisexual Research Collaborative on Health (BiRCH). BiRCH will not only provide opportunities for high-level discussions of bisexual health research, but will also look for ways to raise public awareness of bisexual health issues. 25 individuals including local, national and international researchers, as well as representatives from prominent organizations, including the School of Public Health-Bloomington, were in attendance.

 “For all of the remarkable progress that has been made in the field of LGBT health, we still simply do not know enough about the full range of health needs and health concerns facing bisexual people. Today’s meeting was an important step toward addressing this significant gap,” said Judith Bradford, PhD, Co-Chair of The Fenway Institute.

Attendees discussed area in need of further research, as well as how bisexuality was defined in their own individual pursuits. Topics it was agreed required more inquiry included the unique risk factors and stressors that influence bisexual health, the general health of bisexual men, how geographic and cultural contexts affect bisexual identities, and the pressing need for evidence-based interventions to address health inequities among bisexual groups.

“I really feel this day was a watershed moment in the history of bisexual health research,” reflected Brian Dodge, associate professor and associate director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington. “I am so excited to move forward with this initiative and so grateful to have the opportunity to be involved.”

Friday, August 15, 2014

Recent IU graduate “hit the ground running”

Donisha Reed, recent IU MPH graduate, continues to receive positive publicity for her newly launched diabetes program at the YMCA of Wichita Falls, Texas. The program, designed and implemented by Donisha in her position as Health and Wellness Director, is an innovative lifestyle modification program that helps adults at high-risk of developing type 2 diabetes reduce their risk and take control of their health. 

The new program, scheduled to begin in September, focuses on preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes by educating participants on nutrition, physical activity, managing stress and creating a support system to sustain healthy lifestyle changes.

See Donisha’s recent appearance on her local news network to find out more about how she has “hit the ground running” in her local community.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Klaunig named “Highly Cited Researcher” in 2014

In an effort to spotlight standout researchers of the last decade, Thomson Reuters has launched Highly Cited Researchers, a list which represents some of the world’s leading scientific minds. These individuals have earned the distinction by writing the greatest number of reports officially designated by Essential Science Indicators℠ as Highly Cited Papers-- ranking among the top 1% most cited for their subject field and year of publication.  Thus, those listed include authors whose published work in their areas of expertise has consistently been judged by peers to be of particular significance and utility.

Three investigators from Indiana University recently received this distinction including James E Klaunig, Professor from the Department of Environmental Health for his outstanding contributions to the field. Dr. Klaunig's research interests are dedicated to understanding the mechanisms of chemically induced toxicology and carcinogenesis with emphasis on human health and genetic and environmental factors affection human risk. His research has been supported by the NIH, USEPA, DOD, ACS, and non-federal sources.

Monday, July 21, 2014

IPRC Relationships Committee helps students understand Indiana Lifeline Law

As the fall semester approaches members of the Indiana Prevention Resource Center are helping to educate students and ensure their safety, and the safety of others, during their transition into college life.  One topic of focus this upcoming semester will be the recently modified Indiana Lifeline Law, designed to protect both students in need of medical assistance and those seeking the assistance on their behalf in an emergency. 

Understanding the Modifications
On July 1st, modifications to the Indiana Lifeline Law broadened the original law’s intent to increase the effectiveness of the policy and those it’s designed to assist in an emergency.  The Lifeline Law, which first took effect in 2012, provided protection from arrest for some alcohol related offenses (intoxication, minor possession, minor consumption, and minor transportation of alcohol) for those under 21 who sought emergency assistance for someone with them who had been drinking and required medical attention. While the original law’s parameters only granted immunity for the individual requesting assistance when assisting “an individual who reasonably appeared to be in need of medical assistance due to alcohol consumption” the new law extended protection to other health related emergencies including falls, concussions, and sexual assault.  In order to receive immunity when reporting an emergency the individual must demonstrate they are acting in good faith by providing their full name and any other relevant information to law enforcement officers, remain on the scene until emergency medical assistance arrives, and cooperate with authorities on the scene.

About the IRPC
The Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC) was established in 1987 to assist Indiana based alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) prevention practitioners to improve the quality of their services. In recent years our purview has expanded to include problem gambling prevention and ATOD treatment. The IPRC, located in Bloomington, is part of the Department of Applied Health Science at Indiana University. Our primary target audience is the community of prevention professionals and volunteers, and government officials who are providing or monitoring delivery of ATOD and problem gambling prevention and treatment services to Indiana residents. We enable prevention and treatment professionals to deliver evidence based programs, policies and practices to the general public.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bradford Woods Adds Fully Accessible Zip Line

On Monday, June 23, 2014 representatives from the Finish Line Youth Foundation and CHAMP Camp participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony unveiling a new, fully accessible zip line at Bradford Woods in Martinsville, Indiana.  The 370-foot zip line, funded by a grant from the Finish Line Youth Foundation, was designed to allow campers of all ability levels participating in the therapeutic summer camps at Bradford Woods to enjoy the unique experience. CHAMP Camp, which provides an overnight week-long summer camp experience for kids who have tracheostomies and those who require respiratory assistance, including the use of ventilators, was excited to unveil the new amenity which will serve an estimated 800 campers throughout the summer.

"At CHAMP Camp we are a can-do camp, and we listen to our kids throughout the years, and hear what they want to be able to do. And you know, this is just something that five to ten years ago we never thought we'd be able to do, either. But we just listen to the kids, hearing their desires and their heart in terms of what they want to be able to experience what other people are able to experience as well. We said, you know what this is something we can do. And we put our brains together and figured out a way to get this done for them," said Jennifer Kobylarz, executive director, CHAMP Camp.

See the new zip line in action >>

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

2013 Garrett G. Eppley Alumni Recognition Award

Each year the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies presents the Garrett G. Eppley Alumni Recognition Award, the highest alumni award presented by the department designed to honor the contributions of Garrett G. Eppley (1896-1989) Indiana University’s first Recreation and Park Administration chairman and a key player in the establishment of the National Recreation and Park Association.

The 2013 award was recently presented by Dr. Bryan McCormick, Chair of the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies, to alumnus Dr. R. James Sibthorp. Dr. Sibthorp joins the exclusive rank of exemplary professionals in the field of recreation and leisure who have received the award since 1965. This award speaks well of Dr. Sibthorp’s local, state and national reputation, as well as his commitment to Indiana University and to the field of recreation and parks.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Exploring Summer Internships --- What our students are up to!

Brie Deka is majoring in Human Development and Family Studies, with minors in Sociology, Counseling Psychology, and Human Sexuality. She is currently spending her summer as an intern for Bloomington Area Birth Services (BABS), a non-profit resource center for new and expecting families dedicated to improving birthing outcomes through education, providing a safe, comfortable gathering space for clients and their children, and increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates.

As a BABS intern, Brie is involved in a variety of different projects ranging from data input and management to event planning. One of the main events she will assist with planning, “Latch On Indiana”, will occur in August, “…celebrating exclusive breastfeeding, there will be food, decorations, door prizes and much more for families to enjoy,” she said.

“Pregnancy and new babies are so interesting to me and I would love to continue my work on improving birthing outcomes, and for that first year and beyond to be successful as well. Wherever I end up after graduation I want to be improving these young lives, beginning even before their conception,” she noted.

Monday, June 16, 2014

IU receives Grand Challenges Explorations grant for research in global health and development

The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington has announced that it is a winner of the Grand Challenges Explorations, an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Debby Herbenick, co-director of the school's Center for Sexual Health Promotion, will pursue an innovative global health and development research project, titled Development and Testing of the Female Pleasure Condom.

Grand Challenges Explorations funds individuals worldwide to explore ideas that can break the mold in how we solve persistent global health and development challenges. Herbenick’s project is one of more than 50 Grand Challenges Explorations Round 12 grants announced Tuesday by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

To receive funding, Herbenick and other Grand Challenges Explorations Round 12 winners demonstrated in a two-page online application a bold idea in one of five critical global heath and development topic areas that included agriculture development, behavior change, and looking into animal and human health. Applications for the next round will be accepted starting September 2014.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Public Health & YOU Launches

Looking for ways to earn continuing education credits? Simply want to learn more about the field of Public Health? 

Public Health & YOU is designed specifically for those whose work impacts the health of our communities. The initiative offers free online courses designed to promote the development of skills and knowledge associated with public health and encourage professionals to explore the area of study.

Five courses are currently being offered which can be taken alone, or in sequence to earn a Professional Development Certificate in Public Health from the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Where are they now? Tracking recent graduates as they embark on their professional careers.

Kathleen Chelminiak
IRHITEN Apprentice Coordinator

Kathleen Chelminiak graduated in 2013 with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health majoring in Community Health. She joined the HealthLINC team in January of 2014 as an Apprenticeship Coordinator for the Indiana Rural Health Information Technology Education Network, or IRHITEN. HealthLINC is a local, not-for-profit Corporation, which supports health information technology (HIT) adoption, health information exchange (HIE), and innovative use of information for improved health care outcomes. HealthLINC governs a regional HIE that provides secure, clinical messaging system that delivers greater than 110,000 medical results per month between the hospital, private practices, and care clinics.

Having completed an internship with the organization during her undergraduate years, Kathleen was well versed in the needs met by her new company. “..the internship was very relevant, as my supervisor and I discussed my interests so we could tailor the internship to relate to an area I was passionate for. As a result, I worked with an electronic medical record (EMR) at a pediatric office in town.”

In her new role Kathleen oversees the development of IRHITEN, a workforce development program formed between Indiana Rural Health Association, Ivy Tech, & HealthLINC in response to an increased need of skilled IT workers in rural areas in Indiana. The program includes an online course provided by Ivy Tech, an apprenticeship portion in rural hospitals or practices provided by HealthLINC, and, finally, sitting for a certification exam

“The School of Public Health prepared me for my new position because it taught me to think outside the box. For me, SPH promoted free thinking and empowered students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to make a change. The professors guided us; they would seldom give an easy way out, or give the answer. Although it was frustrating at the time, it really taught me to look at a given situation and see the areas that could be improved or changed,” she said.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Alumni Profile: Meet Alaina Cutler

Alaina Cutler was always drawn to helping professions and working directly with those in need. Initially she pursued a career in nursing, but following an internship experience decided to shift her focus and eventually settled in the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Studies focusing her education on Tourism Management.

Following another internship experience, Alaina developed love of fundraising and working in the non-profit sector, a direction she hadn’t considered originally, but one that she decided to commit her career to.  In her current role as a development Associate at The Julian Center, Alaina is focused on donor engagement, utilizing a variety of tools ranging from social media and newsletters to fundraisers to reach her supporters.

“The best part about my degree is the diversity in education I received. Where else can you get a degree that is part marketing, part management, part relationship building, and more? These focus areas are applicable to any industry, not just tourism. I graduated feeling well rounded. I knew just enough about EVERYTHING to be dangerous in a conversation,” she said.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

IU Alumni Assoication: Professional Enrichment Opportunities

It’s graduation season and newly minted grads from all IU campuses are heading out into the career world armed with degrees to empower them on their new professional journey. Whether you are a twenty something millennial or a non-traditional aged student, synthesizing your collegiate experience into a career opportunity can be a daunting task.

If current employment trends continue, as many as half of this year’s graduates will struggle to find full-time jobs many months after earning their degree. That’s scary. We get it!

As part of the new Professional Enrichment offerings at IUAA, we’ve just launched a series of career coaching packages to help the newest members of our IU alumni family prosper in the career world.
We know the first steps on your professional path can be the toughest, whether you are looking for your dream job, or trying to navigate a new role. IUAA has your back!

We like to think of the new graduate coaching packages as career insurance – an opportunity to work with an expert coach from Career Consultants OI Partners, a global firm with more than 32 years of coaching experience. OI coaches fully understand the challenges new college graduates face. With over 200 offices globally, OI provides world-class, hands-on help in areas including: job search strategies, mastering interviewing, developing a networking strategy, and personal brand-building.

The packages were designed to meet the needs of our newest alumni from 0-3 years out to address their unique needs in the world of work. We want to help stock your professional toolbox with resources that will help you throughout your career life. In addition to the individualized career coaching sessions, you will get IU Alumni Association membership, an IU ALUMNI lapel pin, and two of my favorite books:

The Startup of You, by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha
Me 2.0: Four Steps to Building Your Future, by Dan Schawbel

The coaching packages come beautifully wrapped and mailed via US Post for the ultimate gift experience. There are 4 and 8 coaching session options to choose from as well as annual and lifetime membership choices. Our goal is to help you set the stage for a lifetime of success.

The beauty of career coaching is that it can be done in-person, via phone, or SKYPE. OI Partners has expert coaches available around the world to serve our IU alumni population. Whether you are in Bloomington or Berlin, we’ve got your back!

Consider empowering a recent graduate with the gift of self-confidence and career insurance with a custom IUAA career coaching package. Order a new graduate package for your favorite grad today.

With our commitment to the lifetime engagement model of professional enrichment, job search and career management coaching is also available for those at any stage in their careers. We know that your career needs evolve over time and we have designed career coaching opportunities to help you find a new role, manage your career, or develop as a leader. Check out how career coaching can help you in any stage of your professional life.

Friday, May 16, 2014

IU Alumni Association Membership - What do I get when I join?

Merch ID sample4In short, joining the IU Alumni Association is a great way to stay connected to and support IU.

IUAA members can stay informed about IU news with the Indiana University Alumni Magazine, connect with friends and make career/networking contacts among the more than 580,000 IU graduates with the online IU Alumni Directory, gain special access to online academic journals through the IU Libraries, and get help advancing their career with one-on-one career coaching and online tools. Nationally known Caroline Dowd-Higgins, host of CBS radio’s Career Coach Caroline, is the IUAA’s resident career expert.

Joining the IUAA is also a great way for alumni to show their IU pride and give back to IU.

Learn more >>

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

IU underwater science experts to investigate 'compelling' evidence of Santa Maria discovery

From IU Newsroom

Underwater science researchers from Indiana University Bloomington are investigating evidence that the wreck of the Santa Maria, the flagship of Christopher Columbus' initial voyage to the Americas in 1492, may have been discovered off the coast of Haiti.

Charles Beeker, director of the Office of Underwater Science and Academic Diving and associate clinical professor of kinesiology in the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington, said recent investigations look promising, based on scientific diving and visual inspection of the site and evaluation of remote sensing data and historic records.

"The evidence looks very compelling, and Indiana University will conduct a full investigation to determine whether this is the Santa Maria, hopefully as early as this summer," Beeker said. "We are very excited about the potential of this discovery and very pleased to help protect sites such as the Santa Maria for future generations as Living Museums in the Sea."


Thursday, May 1, 2014

SPH Grad Inspiring Others With Own Journey

When Zach Tobias graduated last May from the School of Public Health with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology,  with a concentration as a Health Fitness Specialist, he had no idea he was about to embark on a life changing journey. Dedicated to spreading a message about health and physical activity, Zach has embarked on a journey that will take him 3,600 miles across the country. By walking, and sharing his journey along the way, Zach hopes to inspire others to develop healthy, active lifestyles.

“My best friend once asked me “Zach, how are you going to change the world?” and my answer was “I have no idea….” Deep down inside I was frustrated because I didn’t have a clue and I wanted to have some crazy awesome answer to come back with that would really impress her. I thought about it for months and every night it haunted me.  Finally, one thought lead to the next, ideas were hitting me left and right, and I decided this would be the start of my answer to that question,” he said”

Zach departed from Surf City, North Carolina in April 2014 and should arrive in Eureka, California sometime in late 2014 or early 2015. His journey will be blogged on this website as well as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. He expects to travel somewhere in the ballpark of over 3600 miles and will use apps to track his location and fitness equipment to track his vitals and stats as he travels.

You can follow Zach’s journey online at or check back for updates on Zach's progress. He'll be joining us as a guest blogger in the coming months!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Faculty honored with Trustees Teaching Awards

"A university cannot render distinguished service to its constituency without a distinguished faculty; therefore, the selection of faculty personnel is of first importance," legendary IU President Herman B Wells told trustees in 1942 when he spoke of his vision for the university and his aim to attract the best and brightest faculty to Indiana University.

In support of President Herman B Wells goal to facilitate the recruitment and recognition of outstanding faculty, the Trustees Teaching Awards were established to honor individuals who have a positive impact on learning through the direct teaching of students, especially undergraduates. Award recipients must have demonstrated a sustained level of teaching excellence and are required to submit a teaching dossier in support of their nomination.

This year's recipients of the Trustees Teaching Award from the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington are... Read More >>

Friday, April 25, 2014

SPH Alumni Named 2014 Health Teacher of the Year at the AAHPERD/SHAPE Conference

In early April, SHAPE America, formerly the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) honored the elite of the physical education, adapted physical education, school health and dance education profession by announcing the National Teachers of the Year (TOY). The winners were announced during the 129th annual AAHPERD National Convention & Expo in recognition of their outstanding teaching performance and the ability to motivate today's youth to participate in a lifetime of physical activity.

Among the recipients was Heidi Stan, BS’02, who received the Health Teacher of the Year award for her work at Riverside Junior High School in Fishers, Indiana. Stan’s health education programming for which she was recognized is designed to improve the “health literacy” of the students ensuring they’re able to obtain, interpret and comprehend basic health information, as well as products and services in order to enhance personal, family, and community health.   From activities focused on endurance, flexibility, and coordination to lessons on portion control and reproduction, Stan’s curriculum is mapped out to ensure that students are lifelong learners and participants. Stan pushes her students to understand the principles of health promotion, disease and injury prevention and incorporate their new-found knowledge into making positive health decisions.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Eta Sigma Gamma Recognizes Two SPH Faculty Members

Eta Sigma Gamma is dedicated to the promotion of Health Education by elevating the standards, ideals, competence and ethics of professionally prepared men and women in the field. From supporting the planning, implementation, and evaluation of health educators programs to disseminating scientific research, the organization continues to be a leader within the field.
This year, two distinguished faculty members from the School of Public Health-Bloomington have been selected by Eta Sigma Gamma to be recognized for their outstanding achievements and contributions.

Dr. Mohammad Torabi
Dean, School of Public Health-Bloomington

Dr. Mohammad Torabi is the 2014 recipient of the Presidential Award. The award honors Dr. Torabi’s remarkable record of teaching, service, scholarship and leadership activities that have earmarked his professional career.

 A review of Dr. Torabi’s vitae reveals a man of many titles: Dean- School of Public Health-Bloomington; Chairperson – Department of Applied Health Science; Director – Center for Health and Safety Studies; Co-Director - Institute for Drug Abuse Prevention; Co-Director – Rural Center for Study and Promotion of HIV/STD Prevention; and Chancellor’s Professor of Public Health Education.  For over twenty years he has served as Editor of Eta Sigma Gamma’s Health Education Monograph Series.  He has also been involved in directing the editorial work of six other Professional
Health Education Journals.

He has published over 125 refereed articles, book chapters and monographs as well as delivered hundreds of presentations at State, National and International Conferences; and will soon exceed the two million dollar level in funded research projects.  Today he continues to make substantial contributions knowledge through his health promotion and disease prevention research addressing tobacco and other drugs use prevention, cancer, and HIV/AIDS infection.
Dr. David Lohrmann
Professor and Chair of the Department of Applied Health Science, School of Public Health-Bloomington

Dr. David Lohrmann is the 2013 recipient of the Honor Award.  The award is presented to individuals or organizations that have made major contributions to the health education profession through service, education, and/or research.
His 42 year career includes 17 years of public school teaching and administrative experience, including as a district-level health coordinator, and 10 years of service as a national school health evaluator for CDC.   Over his career, he has authored or co-authored over 95 scholarly works including professional journal articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, and executive summaries, has delivered more than 250 presentations at local, state, national, and international conferences and has been instrumental in the accrual of over $21 million in grants and contracts. Additionally, over the past 20 years he has provided technical assistance on school health issues to numerous state education and public health departments throughout the United States, including recent service on strategic planning and accreditation committees of the Indiana State Department of Health.  

Friday, April 18, 2014

SPH Student Contributes to Little 500 Tradition

Ren-Jay Shei is a life-long Bloomington resident, and as part of the local community developed a love for cycling early on. Having ridden since high school, it was a natural transition for Shei to become involved in the Little 500 when he became an IU student. “I grew up watching the race and knew that it was something that I wanted to be a part of.  It turns out that it was one of the best decisions I made.  The people I met through Little 500 are amazing and most of my best friends (and my fiance) from college are former Little 5 riders,” he said.

As an undergraduate student, Ren-Jay rode for the Black Key Bulls, a men’s independent team. He transitioned to coaching the team his senior year and serving as the assistant coach for the  Alpha Xi Delta sorority team when his USA Cycling category transitioned to “semi-pro”, making him ineligible to participate in the race as a competitor.

As a graduate student in the Department of Kinesiology, pursuing a PhD in Exercise Physiology, Shei has remained involved with both teams, currently serving as the Head Coach for the Alpha Xi Delta sorority team and Assistant Coach for the Black Key Bulls. He noted that his experiences and education from the School of Public Health has significantly contributed to his understanding of the sport.

“The most obvious contributions have been what I've learned about all aspects of sport science ranging from basic physiology and training program structure to motor learning and practice schedules, and sport psychology.  Every day I get the chance to apply the concepts and content that I learn in the classroom to two functioning, real-world cycling teams, which is incredible.  As an undergraduate student, I received a minor in coaching through the School, which really helped me recognize things that I could improve and gave me the tools to succeed as a coach.  It'd be fair to say that my education at the School of Public Health has had a positive and defining role in shaping me as a coach.”

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

IU School of Public Health-Bloomington Recognizes Outstanding Alumni

The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington honored several distinguished alumni on Friday, April 28, 2014 with honorees including past university department chairs, leaders in sports management, and individuals who have been instrumental in policy development both domestically and abroad.

“We could not be more pleased to honor these exceptional alumni,” said Dean Mohammad Torabi. “Their dedication and commitment in their chosen fields is a true inspiration to all of us and we are thrilled to have them as part of the school’s family.”

The school has been presenting awards since 1976 to the most prestigious graduates, those who excel professionally and personally.  Recipients this year are Kathleen Cordes, Professor Emerita of Miramar College; Talal Hashim, Professor of Public Health Safety and Education at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia; Kalen Irsay, Vice Chair and Owner of the Indianapolis Colts; Scott Chakan, Director of Operations for Cassady Neeser & Brasseur a member of The Horton Group, Inc.; Thomas Templin, Professor at Purdue University; and Eugene Monahan, retired Head Athletic Trainer for the New York Yankees.
“Our 2014 alumni award recipients are some of the most distinguished and dedicated alumni,” said Natalie Kubat, director of Donor and Alumni Relations. “We are proud to be recognizing them and their accomplishments.” 


Monday, April 7, 2014

Indiana University to expand public health partnership aimed at promoting sexual health research, education, and training activities in India

Reducing the transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STI), along with the broader promotion of sexual health and well-being, remain global public health priorities.

In India, a country of 1.24 billion people, of whom nearly 2.5 million are currently living with HIV, the need is even more urgent for public health interventions that are evidence-based, culturally congruent, and high impact in terms of their ability to promote sexual health. In India, sexual risk behavior remains the main mode of HIV transmission and men who have sex with men (MSM) are characterized by disproportionately high rates of HIV prevalence (ranging between 7% and 24%). Relatively high rates of bisexual behavior have also been found among Indian men. Traditional gender roles and segregation, cultural expectations of marriage, and stigma surrounding same-sex behavior may influence sexual norms and behaviors. Men who have sex with both men and women (MSMW), who may or may not self-identify as a “bisexual,” face unique psychosocial challenges but they remain understudied and underserved. Researchers have not explored how individual, social and community level factors associated with Indian bisexual men’s sexual risk behaviors with both male and female partners may be made “safer” using public health interventions.

“Based on our previous research with bisexual men in the United States, we were thrilled to have the opportunity to explore sexual health among bisexual men in India – and this has been the perfect starting point for what we intend will be a much broader agenda of public health research and action between our team at Indiana University and our academic and community partners in India,” said Dr. Brian Dodge, associate professor in the Department of Applied Health Science and associate director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington.

Read more.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

IU experts: NLRB college football ruling a potential game changer

Indiana University experts in sport communication and marketing and in labor law react to the ruling by the National Labor Relations Board that football players at Northwestern University are employees and have the right to form a union. They discuss the following issues:

A potential game changer for college athletics model

Galen Clavio, a sports communication and marketing expert at Indiana University, described the ruling by the National Labor Relations Board allowing Northwestern University football players to unionize "potentially a game changer."

“This ruling is potentially a game changer for the college athletics model as a whole. The primary things that the National Labor Relations Board ruled were that the football players at Northwestern were not 'primarily students'; that their football coaches exercised strict control over their schedules; and that their athletic scholarships were, in effect, compensation in exchange for work at school, with the work in this case being their football duties. This was a bit of a surprise ruling, as many in the legal profession thought that the players were going to lose this ruling.

“Northwestern has already announced that they are going to appeal, so there is still more to come in this case. But this is a major step toward a change in the way college athletics is treated by the courts and could lead to a system where football players -- and potentially other college athletes -- could form their own unions and collectively bargain with college athletic departments on a range of issues, from salary to health benefits to other items.”

Clavio is an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology in the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington. He can be reached at or  812-855-3367. For additional assistance, contact Tracy James at  812-855-0084 or

If upheld, decision could raise Title IX questions

Kenneth Dau-Schmidt, a professor and labor law expert at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, said it appears the ruling may "have legs" under the law. Although Northwestern has indicated it will appeal, he believes there's a good chance the entire NLRB and perhaps even the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will confirm the decision.

"The definition of 'employee' under the National Labor Relations Act is fairly broad," Dau-Schmidt said. "There are exceptions, but none of them apply to this case. There is a prior decision that university research assistants and teaching assistants are not employees under the NLRB, but that decision is very weak and can be distinguished because there the activity was part of the student’s educational program. The football players are directed to perform for the benefit of the university and receive compensation in the form of scholarships and stipends, so there is a pretty good argument they are employees for the purposes of the act."

Dau-Schmidt said it's important to note, however, that athletes at public universities would not be covered by the National Labor Relations Act. State employees are governed by state law, not the federal labor act. In Indiana, the general rule is that it is a criminal act for state employees to collectively bargain, although university employees are exempted from this prohibition and teachers, police and firefighters have separate statutes.

"Under Indiana common law, a public university would have no obligation to negotiate with its athletes; but if they did sign an agreement, it would be enforceable," he said. "From a practical perspective, if private universities began giving student athletes better insurance or stipends as a result of collective bargaining, public universities would have to follow suit to compete for athletes. Some of the money that now goes to pay large coaches’ salaries might go instead to pay for medical of disability insurance for college athletes."

If this decision is upheld and college football players at private universities begin to organize, Dau-Schmidt added, there is a good question of how this system would work consistently with the Title IX requirement of equal athletic opportunities for women.

"Where there is a positive cash flow in college athletics, it's usually associated with men’s football and basketball, not other sports. At the bigger schools, men’s football and basketball revenue supports the other athletic programs. Would Title IX mean that the football players have to negotiate benefits for all athletes and not just themselves? That would make for a very curious system of collective bargaining."

Dau-Schmidt is the Willard and Margaret Carr Professor of Labor and Employment Law at the IU Maurer School of Law. He can be reached at  812-855-0697 or For additional assistance, contact Steve Hinnefeld at  812-856-3488812-361-2121 or

Monday, March 31, 2014

Dealing with domestic violence: Laying the foundations

The IU School of Public Health-Bloomington and the school's Office of Community and Global Health Partnerships have been awarded a grant from the Indiana University Foundation’s Women’s Philanthropy Council to support a project that identifies the needs of direct care providers who work with issues related to domestic and interpersonal violence in rural communities. Specifically, this seed money will assist in determining, if established, how a rural center on domestic and interpersonal violence could be utilized as a resource by professionals working in schools, law enforcement, health care, and community-based organizations.

The shape taken by the resource center will depend on the needs assessments and partnerships built within the first year of the project.

The project is overseen by Dr. Catherine Sherwood-Laughlin, Associate Clinical Professor and Director of Public Health Programs, and Linda Henderson, Community Relations Specialist in the Office of Community and Global Health Partnerships. Two Master of Public Health graduate students have been hired to assist with the project. Terri Lee is a second year MPH student in Public Health Administration and Michaela Cisney (BSPH ’12) is a first year MPH student in behavioral, social and community health. Both bring experiences working with communities on emergent public health issues.

Among the many planned outcomes, Lee and Cisney will be implementing a community needs assessment in three rural counties in south central Indiana in addition to drafting a strategic plan that will lead to defining the purpose of the center. Henderson explained that the mission of the resource center will be to provide professionals with the tools to implement evidence-based strategies and programs which support the prevention and management of domestic and interpersonal violence problems in their communities.

“Not only could this resource center provide resources to professionals, but it could also provide students, staff and faculty at Indiana University with practical service learning experiences as well as the initiation of scholarly and creative activities that may lead to the development of innovative approaches to the prevention of domestic violence/intimate partner violence.”

The aim of this proposal is to improve the health of people in Indiana and beyond through community-focused and participatory initiatives.

“We understand the importance of collaborative partnerships and must rely on our colleagues to assist in the implementation of educational programs and prevention strategies.

“It is imperative to work collectively with professionals within the IU community and across all campuses as well as with national (e.g. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence), state (e.g. Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence) and local (e.g. Middle Way House) organizations that have a long and successful history working in these areas.

School of Public Health Lecture: John Finnegan Available Online

On March 6, 2014, the Marian Godeke Miller Lecture, a part of the Public Health Lecture Series,  featured speaker John R. Finnegan Jr., Ph.D., Dean, School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota.

His presentation entitled "The World of 2030 and What it Means for Academic Public Health" can now be viewed online.

View the talk online. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Learn More About The Center for Sexual Health Promotion

The Center for Sexual Health Promotion is a collaborative of sexual health scholars from across the campuses of Indiana University and strategic partner academic institutions around the globe who, in partnership with practitioners from community-based health organizations, government and industry, work toward advancing the field of sexual health through our research, education and training initiatives. Founded in 2007, the Center for Sexual Health Promotion is directed by Drs. Brian Dodge, Debby Herbenick, and Michael Reece and is based in the Department of Applied Health Science in the School of Public Health-Bloomington. Over a dozen core faculty members of the Center are based in departments throughout Indiana University and other a number of other academic and community-based institutions.
The primary aim of the Center is to conduct research in sexual health that is consistent with the objectives and priorities established by leading public health entities, is guided by the principles of community-based participatory research, and strives to be progressive with regard to scope, methodologies, and application. At the core of the Center’s research agenda is a commitment to managing a diversified portfolio of extramural funding for a wide range of innovative research initiatives. A significant amount of core infrastructure funding for the Center has been facilitated by a unique partnership with one of the world's leading sexual health products companies, Church & Dwight, Inc. (manufacturer of Trojan brand condoms). The agreement establishes the IUB center as a strategic research, education and consulting partner with Trojan and has enabled the collection, analysis, and dissemination of several waves of data collection for the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB), a nationally representative survey of sexual behaviors among men and women in the United States. In addition to resources from this partnership, Center research efforts have been enabled with funding from the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, The Patty Brisben Foundation, and a number of other federal, state, private, and corporate entities.

For over a decade, faculty within the Center facilitate research training to future sexual health scholars and practitioners through both research experience and linkages to strategic partners on campus and in the community. Faculty and students serve as collaborative partners with other academic departments, institutes, and centers in order to play a supportive role in the ongoing development of the field of sexual health. Many doctoral student graduates maintain connections and partnerships with the Center in a range of faculty and postdoctoral research positions at a wide range of peer institutions, including Indiana University School of Medicine, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, University of Nebraska Medical Center, and Princeton University. A number of students who train at the Center during the course of the School’s Master of .Public Health program pursue internships and careers at a variety of community-based partner organizations both domestically and abroad

During the course of the past decade, the Center has served as a powerful model for strategic and community-based partnerships that has resulted in millions of dollars in extramural research funding, hundreds of peer-reviewed research papers and scientific presentations, and numerous doctoral- and masters-level student graduates who are actively engaged in academic, research, teaching, and community-engaged sexual health initiatives in the United States and worldwide.