Thursday, May 1, 2014

SPH Grad Inspiring Others With Own Journey

When Zach Tobias graduated last May from the School of Public Health with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology,  with a concentration as a Health Fitness Specialist, he had no idea he was about to embark on a life changing journey. Dedicated to spreading a message about health and physical activity, Zach has embarked on a journey that will take him 3,600 miles across the country. By walking, and sharing his journey along the way, Zach hopes to inspire others to develop healthy, active lifestyles.

“My best friend once asked me “Zach, how are you going to change the world?” and my answer was “I have no idea….” Deep down inside I was frustrated because I didn’t have a clue and I wanted to have some crazy awesome answer to come back with that would really impress her. I thought about it for months and every night it haunted me.  Finally, one thought lead to the next, ideas were hitting me left and right, and I decided this would be the start of my answer to that question,” he said”

Zach departed from Surf City, North Carolina in April 2014 and should arrive in Eureka, California sometime in late 2014 or early 2015. His journey will be blogged on this website as well as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. He expects to travel somewhere in the ballpark of over 3600 miles and will use apps to track his location and fitness equipment to track his vitals and stats as he travels.

You can follow Zach’s journey online at or check back for updates on Zach's progress. He'll be joining us as a guest blogger in the coming months!

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